
Stuff that interests Dave

Friday, November 14, 2003

Thank you! I'm so glad I actually took the time to google this problem. This error reporting 'feature' is a huge annoyance. I wonder how many people out there actually report their errors.

TechTV | Windows XP Tip: Turn Off Error Reporting

Wednesday, November 12, 2003

So, I'm trying to pick up some C++ again. I learned it in school and I thought it was fun, but I certainly would say that I'm not that great at it. I recently read a tutorial to refresh my memory on class templates and function templates. I remember that when I first learned about templates I thought they were a great way to reuse code across classes. Here's an article that shows potential problems that you could run into when you first write that function template. After reading this I remember why I like Java so much.

Topics in C++: Function Template Specialization, Part I
Thank God. The ramifications of the earlier ruling are just to much to bear. Hopefully, my coworker Karl will be able to breathe a sigh of relief when this is all said and done.

Patent office to re-examine Eolas patent | CNET News.com
Looks like a setback for Nokia as they try to use their platform to create a mobile download market for their phones.

Yahoo! News - Nokia Says Its N-Gage Copy Protection Hacked

Tuesday, November 11, 2003

Is the collective music industry ever going to get it together?
I understand that there are a lot of parties to satisfy in order to make this whole digital media thing work, but it has already been 4 years or so. I don't see this panning out for another couple of years. Meanwhile, everyone will just have to do things illegally.

Yahoo! News - Music Industry Introduces Global Webcast License

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